Budweiser Clydesdale commercial "A Hero's Welcome" for the Big Game!!!

Budweiser Clydesdale commercial "A Hero's Welcome" for the Big Game!!!

We at Purina Animal Nutrition are so proud to be working with the folks at Budweiser and supporting the nutrition efforts of these magnificent Clydesdales!

- Clydesdales Check Up
A few weeks ago Mike Jerina and I traveled to Grant’s Farm to visit some of our favorite customers – the Budweiser Clydesdales.  It’s always great to play with these fabulous animals, as well as check on the new arrivals from Warm Springs Ranch...

- In The Shadow Of Giants….
A few weeks ago, several of my co-workers and I had the opportunity to take part in a behind-the-scenes tour of Grant’s Farm, home of the up and coming and retired Budweiser Clydesdales.  Many thanks to Dr. Katie Young who organized the tour. ...

- 2013 Purina Equine Veterinarian And Vet Technician Conference – Another Great Meeting!
The 14th Annual Purina Equine Veterinarian Conference, held at the Double Tree Hotel within the historic Union Station, downtown St. Louis on October 11 – 13 was by all reports, a resounding success.  Consistent with the standard that Purina...

- Behind The Scenes....looking Intense
In this blog, you get to see a lot of good research going on and learn about our travels across the country.  But behind all this fun is the hard work that takes place in front of a computer, in meetings and through group efforts that plan...

- Western States Horse Expo
I spent the weekend in Sacramento at the Western States Horse Expo. Didn't realize how big it was until I got there - I was proud to just find the building where the booth was! Great crowd at the booth - lots of good questions from the horse owners...

