No break in R&D for the new year!

We are trying to get readjusted after the completion of our exercise physiology test in December. After our last data collection day we moved all of the exercise horses out to pasture for a well deserved break. Our broodmares and open mares have all been moved into the barns in preparation for foaling. We started our artificial lighting program for breeding season the second week in January and are almost ready to go!
Last week we started a long series of palatability trials with our taste testing horses. You can see in the picture some measured out ingredients we are testing to evaluate preference with our horses. They are offered two types of feed at feeding time, both feeds are the same except for one different ingredient. All they need to do is tell us which one they prefer by the amount consumed.
Happy New Year, Happy New Barn!
Happy New Year everyone! You may have noticed that we didn’t have a lot of blog posts directly from the Purina Animal Nutrition Center the second half of 2013, and that is because our palatability barn looked like this: Our team was really...
Running For The Roses At The Purina Research Farm This Week!
One of our favorite things to do at the research farm is conduct exercise physiology studies. We have a phenomenal set up with a high speed treadmill and Equi-ciser that we use regularly for experiments, training, weight maintenance and other research...
Sometimes You Just Need A Spa Day....
Its summer time in St Louis, and its always a great time to catch up on horse haircuts! Pictured here is one of our research horses at Longview, getting vacuumed and cleaned up. This horse is also doing palatability research for us right now, so it has...
The Truth About Food Allergies In The Horse
I spend a significant amount of time working with horse owners and veterinarians on specific nutrition questions they may have. One of the most common questions I get goes something like this: “I just had a blood test done on my horse, and it came back...
Monday, Monday
With the holidays being over its back to work! Just another Monday here at the farm, we are getting ready to haul our mares down from pasture in preparation for foaling. We usually like to do it a little earlier but the weather has not been very cooperative!...