Another Day at the Farm

One of the things I enjoy most about working for Purina at their research farm is simply that; working on the farm. I think many people associate Purina with other big corporate giants and do not grasp our agricultural heritage. This picture was taken from my office window. We turned horses out on it last week after they had finished cutting and baling the hay for the beef department. This pasture has been used in some capacity for over 80 years here at the farm. We understand our customers because we live the same lifestyle they do!
The Challenge Of Spring
Most of us associate the challenges of spring on a horse farm/ranch with all of the seasonal changes that take place. The challenges many of us face can include; getting foals on the ground safely, getting mares bred back for the foal crop...
Another Friday Funny...
We have had a crazy busy week (and spring for that matter) here at the farm. I found it amusing this morning when the first thing I found pulling into the farm was a lot of water in place where there should be none! Happy Friday morning! Looks like we...
I hope we are done with snow! This picture is a week old but I felt like it had some relevance after seeing Karen's post with her new arrival. Dr. Davison is in a different part of the country than we are. The pictures are a day apart and Dr. Davison's...
Good Horses And Good Food In Louisiana!!
I had the wonderful opportunity this past weekend to visit our friends at Live Oak Arabians in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Live Oak was having one of their regular sales, and featured in the sale were some horses that had...
Morning At Longview
6:45 am. I really love to arrive early for work here at Longview. Even though it is still early the crew is already heading out to feed all of the animals. But still there is a peacefulness about it, and it offers me a great opportunity to think about...